Thursday, January 1, 2009

I think at this first day of the new year everyone would have a good or joyous mood,at least hoping for a better year this year.

But honestly for me, im not really in a good or joyous mood at all. have no idea why.

nevertheless i want to thank God for 2008, for i think he has really watched over me.

Especially for allowing me to enter nafa which was not that easy(audition and sch fees), just when i thought there was no hope, i got in!

Blessed me with such good godparents who are willing to sacrifice so much for me,

Blessed me with wonderful friends during first few weeks in nafa,

Also the opportunity to go for the nz trip and protecting us from harm throughout the trip,

And allowing me to excel in my first semester studies in nafa (despite having to work too)

thank God! (:

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