Sunday, February 17, 2008

[15 Feb]
Had my first FTCL piano lesson at MSM with Ms Tan. Played Beethoven's Appassionata for her and she said it was not so bad.
Uncle jeff's sponsoring me again to do my FTCL. hehe. She also gave some advice abt which music universities i should go if i had a chance to go. Ho hum, no marks are awarded in FTCL exams, the complete performance is approved or not approved(diff from my previous LTCL dip) which means pass or fail. I wonder if i can pass it or not as i had a fren who took and failed it lol, and FTCL repertoires are all damn longggggggggg. Im suppose to play a recital of 43~48 mins and just 2 repertoires can take me 48mins i guess? lol~~~ still choosing which songs i should play

yesterday my family went to have dinner with uncle jeff's family. yes it's uncle jeff again. some of u might noe wad i mean lol. perhaps he's not as irritating as before but he is still a bit irritating sometimes. I know he meant good for us maybe it's just the way that he does things that makes us irritated. ( cuz not only me but my sis oso gets irritated by him.) He already has 3 kids and his wife is expecting another lol wow they are so good. HAHA.

My mother and father seem to get along with uncle jeff very well... =.= they were laughing and talking non stop, me and my sis were eating and stoning most of the time although we did chat with his wife... Eventually they talked about piano and my sis was asked by jeff to play for him and she was showing me a "being forced" facial expression LOl.

i got employed by a music school for ballet and violin!! They need pianist. I'm going to join them for their practices and play for them during their exams. The pay is quite high, especially when i play with them during their exams wahahahaha

$12/hr ---> normal practice
$22/hr ---> exams


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