was away in malaysia since wed. why does everything seem to go faster and faster ah? lol. really too fast alr.. i feel like im getting older and older! *shakes head*
anyway Alpha camp was an enjoyable one i guess. During the sharing session i wasnt able to speak all my thoughts out(probably nervous), but i want to say it's my first time joining the camp and i get to know some people in church better and get closer to God. I think the prayer walk was excellent, can see that alot of effort has been put into it. It really enabled us to think thoroughly abt ur relationship with God and what God has done for you and the whole atmosphere really kept us away from all distractions that will distract us from being with God. Although i'm not very close with many people in church, but through this camp i get to know some people better, especially my group members. "it's great knowing you all!" Really hope i can make more good friends in church.
I think my english is really deteriorating! i cant express myself properly! argh. pardon me for my broken english.
And spent my christmas in msia. Boring. stone and watch tv most of the time. at 二姨's house sometimes channel U cant watch due to poor signals so there goes my shows. and then my grandpa's house is getting worse everytime we go back. a house that humans cannot live in anymore. and then went batu visit alot of relatives and shop and buy cheap stuffs buy until no $$$ liao and eat alot of junk food like fried bananas cuttlefish ice cream satay and fall sick but now surprisingly ok liao and visit my relative's fruit garden mango pineapple dragonfruit etc etc etc
some msia pics >D

Lucky likes my mum alot

and my sis too LOL


went to 二姨's house @ senggarang

cute baby cousin!

went to visit her garden. there's corn

bringail (did i spell correctly?)


dragonfruit tree

passion fruit

八姨 小姨 enjoying sucking bamboo LOL

and there's ducks! her neighbour's
and etc etc etc.. so cool right! so many fruits! and then cousin went fishing with us but didnt caught any -.-

visited 八姨 小姨 六姨 and many 阿姨s...
and then.... i lazy to post liao... hahaha.
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