Enjoyed ourselves with the Mt Cook and glentanner park(near mt cook) scenery. Actually had the thought of taking helicopter ride again up to Mt Cook, but did not due to weather constraints

thats where the electricity came from
actually we are not supposed to clean our vehicles there =/ anyway nobody seen us doing it so it's ok LOL
there is this bungy jumping thing(dunno why is it there in the first place) so we took turns to try jumping like nobody’s business! HAHA. Dont u think it’s awesome? jumping on the bungy jumping thing and admiring the mountains at the same time while u jump.
even with helicopter flying past your head.
Moving on to lake takepo, which is our very last stop before returning to christ church. sad huh ): so fast last stop alr. The lake is beautiful, with really blue waters. We sat down to have a bite of ham and cheese sandwiches, and u know what? the breeze was so strong that it blew our bread n piece of ham away! no!
Then a long drive back to christ church.did i mention? everytime we drive on the roads, i see squashed animals,some with intestines visible. eww. Not 1 or 2, but it’s like uncountable. lol. I see squashed squirrels, rabbits and our van actually ran over some dead corpses… not to disgust you, but yes.
Reached Christ church at evening time. We unpacked all our stuffs from the campervan as we needed to return the van next day. I cooked dinner! Actually wanted to go to christ church town centre to shop but it was quite late alr so we didnt
once again stayed at Amber park and packed our things ready to catch the flight back next day!
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