I hope Dr Kan sees first half of this post. LOL.
while we're doing work at esplanade on the floor today, a random uncle came past and said to us "wah, u all so scary!"
probably because of... look at the mess we've made below hahahahah
and then he said "where u all from?"
we were like " we're from nafa,nafa students"
the uncle was like "ummm.. no wonder" only then sort of got convinced... haha!
so moral of the story: history is INDEED scary! (proven)
and while we're(yiangshan,weiqiang,liti,xintong and me) eating dinner at marina sq kfc, and we got facinated by the balloons nearby and wq came up with a lame story... hahaha. -.- not bad ah, creative...
"ah balloons!! nice nice.... grab one, no one can see".jpg)
Liti: ah!!! 拿气球是不对的. 你看,有人在看你了. you must pay money!!!
反正都给人看到了, 笑一笑,然后一起跑哦
and someone's super high today, and i think it's quite obvious la... hahahahahaha.