Saturday, February 28, 2009

I survived the week of duet test, harmony test, and listening journals deadline!

Thank God the insane week has passed !!! LIKE FINALLY... A BREAK... next week study week no lessons! YAyay yipee! but still needa go back for some make up lessons so still not considered holiday... but well, at least a break.

celebrated baby jo's birthday at tcc on thurs aft harmony test.. tiny celebration despite all the insane work tests and stuff. hahaha poor thing..

23 days! OMG !

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I saw a rainbow near dhoby ghaut mrt station today! I think many people saw it too.. For me it's because i saw ppl taking photos of the sky, only then i saw it. hahahaha.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CAUSEWAY POINT NEARLY BURSTED YESTERDAY! with people! ALL 4 floors were totally packed...

I was standing at the 3rd floor for like 2 hours ?!?! and i'm like dying already and i tell myself i wont do such thing again and im not even a crazy fan of them, I just wanted to take a look. My sis even worse! she stood for like 5.5 hours. wonder how she can tahan... -.-

Finally, after the long wait, Jiro and Rainie finally showed themselves!!! (after being late for like 1 hr and 15mins, make me super pek cek) there were so many fans and people screaming...

View from the 3rd floor

jiro rainie n george signing autographs..

know what? I could spot my sis from where i was! HAHA! even in this pic!

Pics taken by my sis was clearer, as she was standing nearer

crazy fans -.-

considered the best pics, rainie, jiro

and I just realised I wasted my time again... i should be using that time to do my listening journals!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I hope Dr Kan sees first half of this post. LOL.

while we're doing work at esplanade on the floor today, a random uncle came past and said to us "wah, u all so scary!"

probably because of... look at the mess we've made below hahahahah

and then he said "where u all from?"

we were like " we're from nafa,nafa students"

the uncle was like "ummm.. no wonder" only then sort of got convinced... haha!

so moral of the story: history is INDEED scary! (proven)

and while we're(yiangshan,weiqiang,liti,xintong and me) eating dinner at marina sq kfc, and we got facinated by the balloons nearby and wq came up with a lame story... hahaha. -.- not bad ah, creative...

"ah balloons!! nice nice.... grab one, no one can see"

Liti: ah!!! 拿气球是不对的. 你看,有人在看你了. you must pay money!!!

反正都给人看到了, 笑一笑,然后一起跑哦

and someone's super high today, and i think it's quite obvious la... hahahahahaha.
I'm seriously totally utterly disgusted!

ANYWAY, I think i shall not commit myself to somemore things liao!!! otherwise i think i'll really go nuts sooner or later! like what my internet is doing to me recently...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i think me, ys , wq can be best of friends HAHA.

memories kept coming. damn. the cycle comes again. I need to vent out to feel better.

and seek God, asking him to strengthen me and also those who are also experiencing what im experiencing. pls help me to worship u in truth!

I dunno if im dumb or wat...but i'm still waiting for that promise

OK ENOUGH. I have many many things ahead to be busy abt!

listening journals

I must PRACTICE more more more! SLACK less less less!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

concerto comp's over! now can finally focus on my own stuffs! but i really need to focus! and practice! argh.

listening journals coming up.... another headache...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


very tired ! have been reaching home almost everyday at around 10/11pm, and my mum is starting to complain again that everyday i come home she's already on bed most of the time and didnt get to see me. Then also I overslept twice this week! OOPS

and must jiayou jiayou for concerto comp on tues !!! =]

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I WOKE UP LATE AGAIN! @Q#$(@#)*E@!#@ missed theory tutorial! GG...

am i SUCH an annoying person to you? why is it that everytime i talk to u online,or even sms, always after talk a bit only then u quickly say that u either busy or gtg. i mean, maybe i can understand that u are really busy or wat but is like EVERYTIME... somehow i can feel that it's an excuse or u don wan to talk too much.

although i dunno if wat i said is true, but i do somehow feel it... and it's somehow hurting...

and i already have had enough of hurts. super sick and tired..