I attended a masterclass by this guy last night. haha. Played my beethoven appassionata a bit of Islamey. He's humorous! haha. cuz he dun really know how to pronouce my name so he asked me if he can call me Julie LOL
funny lor. Then he also said my arms tense and he told me to relax by using his arms to touch my arms. haha!
Anyway, I'll be playing those 2 songs again on 13 sep in the MSM student concert. Must sun bian advertise advertise=DDD hahaha. I can try to get free tickets if u guys are interested.
Details are as below:
-featuring the works of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, Balakirev, Bebussy, Ravel and Gynastera
September 13, 2008 (Saturday) 7.30pm
ACJC Performing Arts Centre
25 Dover Close East
Tickets : $10 (PAckage of 2: $15, package of 4: $25)
Pls call MSM at 67675258 for tickets
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