这个世界到底是怎么搞的 ?????作弄我是不是?很好玩啊?为什么有些人本来明明对你好好的,可是不知道为什么突然之间什么都没说就开始对你冷冷淡淡,对你不理不睬 ,翻脸不认人,变得好像比陌生人还陌生?????
13 MAY, 2007
went with pky to VCH to watch a concert called "musical extravaganza".
International Festival Chorus
Metro Philharmonic Youth Choir
SP Symphonic Band
i think the pianists which played for the choirs were GOOD, and they both were girls. GIRLS!! i mean LADIES!! hahaha.
nothing much, went home straight away after the concert cuz i need to study for chinese test the next day.