I havent been blogging since the concerto competition. haha. Decided to update a bit.
Actually I'm not feeling very good since ytd. Sigh.
I think too much, and cant help thinking too much.
Cant help thinking about the worst case and the consequences.
I just hope that after doing the test everything will turn out okay. *prays*
And also, I've been having frequent headaches which makes me a little worried about what's wrong.
I think i'll only feel better after I go to the clinic. Hope I can do it asap.
So anyway, after the concerto competition was the preparation for our programme notes and History Seminar on 15 Mar.
It was horrible because our question is at the first week and we only had 1 week to do everything.
We didnt sleep for the whole night and still cannot finish loh. However, thank God that me and yuqing managed to survived lah. lol.
Watch Nodame Movie on 4th March. Super funny. They make Nodame until like damn retarded lah. -.- lol. still got the last movie which havent come out.

Gonna catch the last episode when it comes out! :D
23 March 10

Performed 8 hands with Samuel, Wei Yang and Kseniia at Nafa Piano Masterpieces Concert.
Our playing went well! But what surprised me was that the audience seats were so empty!
It's like on stage, with one glance I can easily spot everyone at the audience seat. LOL
I still wanna thank all my friends who came. Thanks alot for your support!!! Very touched...
Thank u Wei Hern, Ting Hui, Han Wei, Esther, Ian, Eugene and Teck Yi.
WeiQiang and YuQing!!! THANK U VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH TOO!!!! =)

All the performers with Mr Benjamin Loh and Mrs Phua