Sunday, October 25, 2009

beautiful sunday concert

Concert's over! yay!

I'm an artist @ esplanade today!! hehe...
The concert hall was almost full house!
I met teacher alice and Mr Yap after the concert, chatted for a while.. was quite shocked to see them...
Thanks for coming! teck yi, norman and Joshua!

I think I had a bad temper during the past few days...
It's hard to control
everything seems to be going wrong!

at least I'm happy today (:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

tired tired tired!

Taken from esplanade website. click on the picture to see bigger version.

The NAFA Orchestra and Chorus will be performing an afternoon of opera favourites this Sunday, 25 Oct, 3pm at the Esplanade Concert Hall.

Admission is free on first come first served basis as there are no reservation for seats.

School has been very stressful and tiring!!!
TOO many things to do !!!
Today's timetable was from 10am all the way until 9pm. damn tired!
10-11 aural
2-4 composition
5-6 sight singing
7-9 concert rehearsal for sunday

I was easily fed-up with things today...
Something's wrong with me...
maybe too stressed up and tired

God please give me strength!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

cat shit

there's a brown cat which always comes in to our house(which is at 4th floor -.-) through the windows, which we have no idea how it came in because we heard from our neighbours that it also went into their house and their house is at 8th floor.

Few days ago, my mum just realised a pile of cat dung in some corner of the house.
The shit is believed to be there for sometime already.... ewww....
My mum is super pissed with that cat. lol.
She's going to wack it till it's pi gu kai hua if next time she sees it coming again...

Hope the cat is smart enough not to come in again if it doesn't want to get wacked. lol.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

No PS this week again!! arrrrrrrrrr... hope he'll make up before my exams! he owe me 3 lessons...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Brass platform today! helped hui min with her piece =)
Something really bad happened just about 1 hour before the platform lor!!

I forgot to bring the piano score!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the end, hui min took taxi home and brought the original copy(she photocopied another copy for me)...
I was wondering what's gonna happen if the copy that I forgot to bring is the ONLY copy..
imagine I have to rush to woodlands and rush back to school in 1 hour... omg! crazy!
sorry huimin!!! >.<
so careless of me lah! was arranging my bag, decided not to bring my piano scores and her score "kiap" between my other piano scores so i didnt see...

There was a really bad stinkbomb during choir and orchestra combined practise today @ LFT.. WHO DID IT!!!!
Omg! fresh air please!!!
haiz.... choir practises now are so intensive...
I stand until my legs wanna break and back wanna crack... zzz
Concert on 13 oct and on 25 oct!

Keep having hiccups today!!! zzzz.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I pang seh my dad.. oops >.< didnt mean it..


I thought my dad will be coming home to fetch me in the evening after his teaching @ cck and go church together! (because I asked him what time is the thing, he said 7plus...)
SO I waited and waited.... until 7pm like that, I was wondering why he havent come back
I called him but cannot get through
I felt tired so I went to sleep a while, because I thought he'll come back home first...
Then unknownly I slept till 8... and house phone rang

me: hello
dad: "WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"
me: At home(thinking that there's nothing wrong)
dad: WHY ARE U STILL AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!
me: !!! OMG!!! I thought u coming home!

SO actually he meant that I'm supposed to go church myself .......
SO in the end he played without me(means without piano accompaniment)...
I feel so guilty and bad!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

nafa fun day

Fortunately I was able to go to the fun day and have fun! my stomach pain luckily recovered by then.

I think it has been about 2 years since the last time I went to wild wild wet with my JC friends. haha.

It was quite fun, but the sun was so blazing hot and strong.
I liked the biggest slide where 4-6 people can sit together on a raft best!
Omg. The water was VERY salty and the water kept going into my mouth.
I was sunburnt! My hands and legs, became so so so wrinkled! as we were in water for quite long..

My face is both black and red now, I dont wanna go out >.<
I'm feeling so tired from yesterday..

I'm helping my dad in piano accompaniment tonight for a small performance for the mooncake festival at church! He's playing the erhu... oh well...
father and daughter playing together, this opportunity doesnt come everytime :)

oh yes! and happy mooncake festival to all!

kb studies presentation's over!! yay!!!
♥ pollypockets

jia lat

I had a very very jia lat stomach pain yesterday! OMG SO SCARY

It happened like this:

I had a very NICE dinner with my godparents and their family outside at Mount Faber Safra(kids wanna go there as it's children's day).

Then after dinner, they didnt send me home, but sent me to queenstown mrt station instead because it was not convenient.

I felt slight stomach pain when i alight their car, and thought that I'll alright until I reached home.

Halfway during the mrt ride, the pain SUDDENLY became very very very bad. It was so bad until I felt like I couldn't breathe! I cannot stand properly, I almost collapsed, I was bending down and trying to adjust position that I could take it because it was so pain.

The stop from clementi to jurong east seems sooooo long.... like forever...

The worse thing is, the people in the train saw me standing, and like wanna faint liao, yet nobody gave up their seats and seemed like pretend like they never see.>[

When I reached jurong east, I chionged out like nobody's business and sit at the seats there because I really felt like collapsing and my legs felt like jelly.
A stranger asked me if I'm ok and offered some stomach pain killers, although I didnt accept his pills, I really appreciated it.

When I was able to walk, I went to the toilet and camped. Only after that, I felt slightly better and managed to take train home. And at home I camped again.

Thank God I'm ok now... so scary...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I've been sleeping very late these days!!!!!!!!
I'm beginning to have panda eyes
2 presentations in a row this week!!! (tcm and kb studies) ZZZ
Can finally take a small break tmr after presentation before chionging other stuffs...
Exams schedule are out! omg!
It just felt as if school just started yesterday and now it's already coming to an end soon....too fast... really too fast.

Anyway, today an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude strucked Southern Sumatra Indonesia while we were having our SAS theatre! OMG!
Although I didnt really feel anything,(I think I was not feeling so well, so even the building shaked I won't think that much because I'm shaking as well LOL) but many of my friends did! That's how I got to know...

How come I didn't feel it shaking! Maybe I was not feeling too well at that time!