SIGH79 DAYSseriously i really dunno how i am going to make it. Everytime i see the load that i have to study, i feel like fainting, and i guess the reason why i always log in maple is to run away from all these loads of work. haiz. the load of work which i am referring to is really ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT. GP is super pathetic. Chinese lit is super pathetic. Maths and chem also didnt manage to pass. PHYSICS. even worse. Just trying to improve maths and chem which are the subjects which i dont hate that much already pulled down my motivation.
HOW ?!!!!!!!!!! everytime after i had tuition i feel like dying. everytime i tried to do work, i feel like dying. THAT'S THE REASON WHY I ALWAYS PLAY MAPLE, TO RUN AWAY FROM
I guess ALL mothers are the same. Every sun when she is at home she will machine gun at me and my sis. Whatever we do, she will scold. Once she sees us, she will start to scold, even we just walk past her, so the best is not to let her see us. Every Sat when she's at home she always ask me to wipe the floor, do this do that, tidy up my table bla bla bla and she'll pinch me and say we really make her so angry. If she sees us in front of the com, she'll nag EVEN MORE.
woo while im blogging here she comes... once the door opens and the machine gun starts again